
Toyota’s Hybrid-First Strategy Is Delivering Big Profits

In today’s high-tech, high-stakes auto industry, fortunes can change quickly, and there’s no better example of that right now than Toyota Motor. Not long ago, it looked as if Toyota had fallen dangerously behind in electric vehicles. Tesla, the electric car pioneer, has grown rapidly and become the world’s most valuable automaker. Seeing Tesla’s success,

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States Dig Into Homeowners Insurance and Why It’s Hard to Buy

State regulators around the country asked hundreds of insurance companies on Friday to provide the details of how they price and structure their homeowner policies, part of an attempt to dig into why many property owners are struggling to get and keep coverage. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the group representing the regulators, said

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Pentagon Review Finds No Evidence of Alien Cover-Up

In the 1960s, secret test flights of advanced government spy planes generated U.F.O. sightings. More recently, government and commercial drones, new kinds of satellites and errant weather balloons have led to a renaissance in unusual observations. But, according to a new report, none of these sightings were of alien spacecraft. A new congressionally mandated Pentagon

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